Hands down, the problem that haunts most people when it comes to a lifestyle of health and fitness is simply….GETTING STARTED.
This delay in the start of a healthy life is most often generated by a fear, either of the unknown or a fear of this task seeming to be insurmountable.

But today, we want to give you the power to take that step, embrace that fear of the unknown, and take control of your life and health again!
We have been in your shoes before, as a training facility… let’s rewind 16 years to early 2007. There was most certainly fear, fear of opening a training gym, fear of not being “business” men, fear of the unknown, fear of failure.
But this didn’t stop us from opening the doors to NSS. Have we had our fair share of bumps and bruises…of course!
Have we let that stop us…of course not!
But over time, with patience and consistency, we have progressed from a novice, less educated, and less client-friendly facility to what we are today. A staff of 9 highly educated, vastly experienced, and genuinely passionate fitness professionals.
To take this another step, ‘back in the day’ we wrote programs by hand on paper each week, had an “office” that was a desk tucked in the corner, had plain white walls as our “welcoming environment”, a minimal amount of equipment and were training completely different that we do today.
But….we did what we could, with what we knew, and what we had.
That is what we are urging you to do today in regards to your life and health. Everyone comes from a different set of circumstances, with different knowledge, different ability levels, and different fears.
Trust us when we say you must embrace this vulnerability and fear and start immediately.
Don’t wait until Monday…because there is always another Monday after to push it to.
Don’t wait for your life to slow down a bit…because (as you know in your heart) it won’t.
If we hadn’t taken the scariest step of all, to get started, we wouldn’t be able to work with amazing clients and athletes every day, making a difference in people's lives, and genuinely be living the dream as our profession.
If you don't take the scariest step of all, to get started, you could be missing out on opportunities in life because of physical or health limitations. Just imagine the opportunities you might miss if you let that fear hold you back. That truly is scarier than getting started!
You deserve to take control—don't let fear rob you of the chance to live your best life.
With patience, consistency, a willingness to adapt, and the right group around you can be successful.
You can get started!